Friday, October 06, 2006

Keeping Busy

Things are busy these days, but it is a very lovely kind of busy. I have many chances to meet with Japanese friends and chat, hang out, go shopping, and have lots of wonderful conversations. Occassionally I get together with a Mexican friend who lives in South Philly, but like most Mexicans I know, she is crazy busy with work so we don't meet very often. I am really enjoying teaching piano these days. I taught piano for a few years during college, but I have some really talented students right now, including Gio (see photo). He played "It Don't Mean a Thing (if it Ain't Got That Swing)" as his recital song this past June - he was awesome! Besides teaching, I keep busy with studying Japanese, reading good books, and working two jobs. I have been thinking a lot lately about how God is in control of everything, even down to the most minute detail. It really relieves any temptation to worry about the future when I focus on the sovereignty of God. Right now, I am not sure what I will do in the future, but I am thinking these days that I will pursue serving with MTW in Nagoya next summer and then return to Sendai next September for at least two years to focus on language study and serving the missionaries I used to work with there. I would love to see old friends living in Sendai. I think of Japan almost every day and remember fondly how beautiful the people and nature are in Sendai.

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